Important Tips To Know About Soil Before Planting Vegetables

Soil is the dynamic natural body on the surface of the earth in which plants grow, composed of mineral and organic materials and living forms: Buckman and Bardy Soil may be defined as the three dimensional natural body on the surface of earth, sum up of mineral and organic materials and living forms, generated from the parent material due to influence of climate and organisms as conditioned by relief, over a period of time which is a medium for plant growth. IMPORTANCE OF THE SOIL Soil is a vital natural resource on the earth's surface their proper use depends the life supporting systems of a country and socio-economic development of its people. The relationship of soil, environment and society is intimate and rely on soil quality and the way it is managed. Soil science is the branch of agriculture that deals with soil considered as a natural body and as an important medium for plant growth. Therefore, a fundamental knowledge of soil science is prerequisite to meeting the natural ...