See how to start up a profitable poultry farming in Nigeria.

            1. Decide the type of poultry bird
Here you choose Chickens ( Layers and Broilers). We choose chicken
because that’s what this article focuses on. There are other types of
birds that are good for livestock business too,  such as Goose , Duck ,
Turkey , etc.
           2. Write Down your Area of Interest
You can’t just be in all aspect of poultry farming in Nigeria. You have
to choose your area of interest where you would like to concentrate
your business. This will ensure high level of focus and
professionalism. If you can do two area, no problem. Below are
some of the major Niches in Poultry Farming in Nigeria or
Layers Breeding which is egg production by Layers
Broilers breeding which referrers to the chicken meat production by
Hatchery which has to do with breeding chicken for the purpose of
Hatching new chicks
Poultry feed which is producing feeds for other poultry farmers
You may choose to Breed Layers and Broilers at a time or one of
them. Hatchery is better done independently just like feed
production. So, you choose your area of focus.

                   3. Sort out Location
This has a direct effect to your startup cost. A location in a very
remote rural area will cost far less than the one close to the urban
area. Remote rural area with good road is the ideal location as you
will be free from regulatory agencies and drive down the cost of
labor too.
As a person new to Livestock business, you don’t want to invest all
your capital into buying lands in urban area which may turn out not
being used. Government policy is against setting up poultry farm
near residential/urban areas for health implications.
     4. Secure you Poultry Farm Starting Capital
With location in mind, you now have clearer idea of the capital
required of you. Write down your detailed capital and investment
requirements for your poultry farming in Nigeria venture and set out
to source for it.
Like every other farming projects, the bigger you plan to start, the
more investment required. You need to decide on the level of capital
investment you are willing to commit into this business before
SEE ALSO: How to build low cost poultry pen for Local Farmers
(a) Small scale Chicken Rearing (of about 50 birds) kept in cages at
the backyard of your resident will take about N70,000 to start.
(b) A medium scale poultry farming that requires land and housing
and other materials in 1 – 2 plots of Land takes about N500,000 to
N5 Million to start.
(c) Large scale or Intensive poultry farming that requires high level
of sophistication and more careful planning and professionalism,
using advance Livestock farming techniques takes from N10
Setting Up Your Poultry Farming In Nigeria
With your business plan is in place, the next is to proceed to setting
up your farm without delay! At this point, it is my believe that you
already have the money in your hands. So here are the things you
need to acquire and put in place.
1. Buy Poultry Farm land
Like we said earlier, look for land in a remote location but make sure
it’s not too far from the city. A place like Ijebu Ode, Remo Area ,
Imota in Ikorodu. These places are perfect if you are in Lagos. Other
places like towards Oshogbo after Ibadan isn’t too far too from the
major city like Ibadan.
You can get Acre of land there for cheap price, cost of lands in most
cases is determined by the sellers. But we may suggest price during
commenting. So drop your comments below and let’s get the
discussion going.
SEE ALSO: How to start a poultry farm on

2. Build your Poultry Pen Structure
House is very important for chicken rearing and effective keeping
and management. Poultry housing are classified according to the
scale and the management system. The most common types of
poultry housing used for poultry farming in Nigeria are:
•    Deep litter-
•    Half litter and half slats –
•    Battery –
•    Semi-fold –
3. Buy Day Old Chick
Look for good Hatchery where you can get healthy day old chicks to
start with. It costs from N140 to N200 sometimes up to N300.
4. Items you Need for Poultry Farm
Feeders, Drinkers, Perches. Nests, Crates, Lighting system, Waste
disposal system, Incubator, Heaters or brooders, Egg tray, Cages
and coops.
What’s Next…
You need addition resources to make your poultry business a
successful one.
Join other poultry farmers who have made our Poultry Business
eBook their companion towards starting their poultry farms and
managing it effectively.


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