See legitimate tips in turkey farming (How to Start & Start making Millions)

I started my first business before I was a boy of 15. Today I run my company in Lagos and operate in different states of Nigeria. Make sure you read every word of this post and come back to download my 2 free business books HERE
Do you know that rearing turkey or turkey farming business is a good and lucrative business to venture in Nigeria? We might have been hearing a lot about chicken farming, broilers farming, and layers farming but little efficacy has been placed on turkey farming. Though some people who might have heard about how lucrative this business is do not really make moves on how to gain and maintain this hidden treasure instead, they rear it seasonally, or for a very short period of time, and then stop.

 How about if I tell you that, you can set up a turkey farming business in Nigeria, and make this business as a normal business which can solve your daily needs and still save for futures expenses. Now, it might be interesting to know that there is no special way to start up a turkey farming business. The same method for rearing broilers or layers can also be used. How high is the demand of turkey meat in Nigeria? Or how profitable is turkey farming business in Nigeria? It might be pleasing to inform you that poultry production in Nigeria is really an advantageous and a profitable business in Nigeria, more than you even imagined. Since the Federal Government placed a ban on the importation of frozen food, Nigerians have been producing turkey locally to meet the demand of turkey consumers in Nigeria. Yet, the turkey meat being produced is still not sufficient to those who need it. So, you see, you don’t need to wait for the approaching Esther or Christmas to rear your turkeys; turkey farming in Nigeria needs more investors. Though, most turkey farmers do complain that after rearing their turkey, it is difficult to find buyer because some buyers might not want to purchase it because of the high price (most times ranging from #10,000- #15,000-#25,000 depending on the sizes or weight) Let me inform you that aside, direct buyers, you can also sell your turkey to those who are into frozen foods or you can process your turkey into frozen food and sell them to local buyers or market sellers, all you need to do is to make a market research to know the prices in other not to differ. What are the other benefits of rearing Turkey in Nigeria?
Aside just setting up a turkey farm, there few but profitable byproducts which one can gain from rearing turkey; Turkey Egg; when you rear turkey, you can also gain when the turkey lays eggs, sometimes they might not be in numerous quantity like the popular layer birds which main aim is to produce eggs but at least the quantity it might produce can be a gain . Know the market prices of eggs in the market and sell your eggs when you have them. Turkey’s Organic Manure; we all know that the feces of birds can serve as fertilizers for farm crops. Some farmers do prefer this to some chemical fertilizers. Heaps your turkey feces in sacks and sell them to farmers when they come for it. Hatching of new turkey; Some turkey farmers do hatch the eggs of their turkey to produces new turkey. This prevents them from purchasing new turkeys and they can also sell to other farmers. You can use a hatchery to hatch the bird, if you don’t have a hatching machine, you can pay farmers who have it to hatch your birds or you can manually hatch them with the mother. Just make sure you prevent the turkey from drinking its egg, (you can de-beak the beck). If you still not sure about the method to use, you can ask a veterinarian for better understanding. Turkey Feathers; as simple as it might look, turkey feathers are marketable. Some companies purchase them for recycling into fibers for making clothes. While some companies need them for art products like bag, shoes, clothes, hats or other beauty accessories. Know who they companies are and sell them to them.


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