Best cattle management practices you can't afford to ignore.

selection:selection is the process of picking or selctinv from a mixed population those animals with breeding value as parents. Animals with desirable characters like good meat production and egg laying are selected
   Selection is grouped into two main classes 
(1)Natural selection:this is the ability of individual animal to weather through unfavorable environmental forces to survive and reproduce. 
(2)Artificial selection:this selection is done by man using his intelligence and influence to select and mate animals in order to increase the number of animals. 

(1)It ensures that only the best naturally available animal is selected 
(2)Animals with desirable character are selected 
(3)Animals from best breeds are bred for distribution 
(4)It reduces the spread of diseases. 
Culling:this is the removal of diseased, poorly performing or destructive animals from a flock of farm. 
                      ADVANTAGES OF CULLING
(1)It reduces cost of production 
(2)It enhances greater production of animals 
(3)It increases the efficiency of production 
(4)It reduces the cost of feeding the animals. 


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