Tips - Is rabbit farming profitable?

Raising Rabbits for Profit The major question I keep getting from newbies is that, is rabbit farming profitable?? Choose a breed that is recognized for its meat –production qualities, and do some assignment in searching bloodlines within that breed with the necessary qualities to be good production rabbits. If you have been rearing rabbits for some time as a hobby, the thought may have occurred to you that you could make some little money rearing them. The thought may have even occurred to you that you can make a large amount of money from rabbit farming. After all, two rabbits will be 150 in a short period of time, right? Maybe yes, maybe no Rabbits have the potentialsh to be one of the most profitable specie to raise. They frequently give birth to a large number of litters, and offspring grow rapidly and reach either table size or breeding weight more quickly than any other species. They do not require large space compared to most spec...